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Satan's War with God

The Importance of Agenda

 I frequently have the opportunity to meet with young people who are struggling with faith issues. As we talk, they often ask about resources they can review once they go home. Fundamental to answering this question is the concept of agenda. We all have them, we all filter information we receive through our assumptions and preconceptions. And those delivering information always have an agenda…always.

Agendas aren’t necessarily bad. But understanding the agenda of those we are counting on for information is critical. So, I begin this discussion by disclosing my agenda, and the assumptions I bring to this discussion. In the discussion that follows, I will present a case related to humanity’s origin, and our relationship with Christ. Critical to this discussion then is the nature of Christ. I will outline my fundamental beliefs about Christ here. This will serve as the foundation of my interpretation and is the only agenda I wish to support. I will use scripture extensively to support these assertions, and I recommend you review the context of each of these passages carefully. As I review scripture, I endeavor to identify what the original author meant (within his cultural context and experience), what the original reader heard (within their cultural context and experience), and how I and my experiences are like or different from them.

This method of studying scripture avoids the “scripture of the day” method of study, and instead seeks to understand the full context of the message presented. I believe scripture to be inspired, and truthful. I believe it is an accurate record, and that, despite attempts to belittle and dismiss the words of the original writers, God has preserved this record for our benefit. It serves as a witness of God’s interaction with humanity and is the only fully honest representation we must rely on. With this in mind, I will use scripture extensively in this discussion, and encourage readers to search out these references, learn their full meaning, and experience the testimony of the original authors.


Fundamental Beliefs

Christ is the Eternal God

  • Isaiah 40:28:”Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable.”

  • Hebrews 13:28

  • Isaiah 45:5

Christ is the Redeemer of the World

  • John 1:29: “The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, ‘Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!’”

  • Ephesians 1:7

  • 1 John 2:2

Christ is the Creator of the Universe

  • John 1:3

  • Colossians 1:16

  • Revelation 4:11

  • Ephesians 3:9

  • Genesis 1:1


Because this discussion focuses on this last characteristic, further review of each of these references is presented here:

John 1:3

“All things were ​​​made​ by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.”

The Greek actually reads: “All things through Him came into being and without him came into being not even one thing that has come into being.” The Greek word translated “came into being” is egeneto. egeneto is properly translated: “to become, i.e. to come into existence, begin to be, receive being…”

Colossians 1:16

“For by him were all ​​​things​ ​​​created​, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether ​they be​ thrones, or dominions, or ​​​principalities​, or powers: all things were ​​​created​ by him, and for him”

The Greek reads: “because in him were created all things in the heavens and upon the earth the visible and the invisible whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities all things through him and unto him have been created.”

The Greek word translated “were created” here is ektishe. Ektishe is properly translated create, which applies only to God who alone can make what was "not there before.” Its root is the Greek, ktizo. It is used in this form by authors from Plato to Josephus to communicate an “ex Nihilo” (all-inclusive and without precursor) creative act.

Revelation 4:11

“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast ​​​created​ all things, and ​​​for thy pleasure​ they are and were created.”

In the Greek, ektishe is also used here to describe God’s creative work.


Ephesians 3:9

“And to make all ​men​ see what ​is​ the fellowship of the ​​​mystery​, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who ​​​created​ all things by ​​​Jesus Christ​:”

The original Greek uses a form of the same root word ktizo to describe the creation, making “what was not there before,” “out of nothing that existed before.”

Beginning at the Beginning


Any biblical discussion of creation must begin at the beginning, with Genesis 1:1. Because this record was originally written by Moses in Hebrew, those of us who rely on our King James Version of the Bible often miss out on some powerful nuance. Genesis 1:1 is one such case. Using a Hebrew-English interlinear version of this passage reveals an interesting message, lost in the English translation. Hebrew reads from right to left, and so the passage reads “In the beginning created God the heavens and the earth.” With the exception of some minor grammatical differences, it appears to be the same passage we have read for years.

But upon closer examination there is a slight variation, two unspoken characters after “elohim.” These two characters are a Hebrew aleph and a tav. These are the first and the last letters of the Hebrew alphabet. They occur in multiple locations in the Torah, always in association with God. The real reading of this passage, from a spiritual perspective is: “In the beginning God, the one who is the beginning and the end, the great I am, created the heavens and the earth.”

Jehovah is translated as “The Existing One” or “Lord.” The chief meaning of Jehovah is derived from the Hebrew word Havah meaning “to be” or “to exist.” It also suggests “to become” or specifically “to become known” – this denotes a God who reveals Himself unceasingly.

For further background, the phrase translated “I am who I am” in Hebrew is ehyeh asher ehyeh. The word ehyeh is the first person common singular of the verb to be. It would be used in any number of normal situations: “I am watching the sheep,” “I am walking on the road,” or “I am his father.” However, when used as a stand-alone description, I AM is the ultimate statement of self-sufficiency, self-existence, and immediate presence. God’s existence is not contingent upon anyone else. His plans are not contingent upon any circumstances. He promises that He will be what He will be; that is, He will be the eternally constant God. He stands, ever-present and unchangeable, completely sufficient in Himself to do what He wills to do and to accomplish what He wills to accomplish.When God identified Himself as I AM WHO I AM, He stated that, no matter when or where, He is there.

The phrase, ha-shamyaim we-et ha-‘eres, translated as “the heavens and the earth” appears in nine other Old Testament passages: Exodus 20:11, Exodus 31:17, Deuteronomy 4:26, Deuteronomy 30:19, Deuteronomy 31:28, 1 Chronicles 29:11, Jeremiah 23:24, Jeremiah 32:17, and Haggai 2:21. In these nine texts plus Genesis 1:1 the usage of ha-shamyaim we-et ha-‘eres refers to all physical reality—the totality of matter, energy, space, and time. In other words, it refers to the universe.


What Do We Believe About Creation?


As we continue, a statement of fundamental beliefs associated with creation is necessary. Establishing a common point of reference regarding creation will guide the balance of this discussion. My fundamental beliefs regarding creation can be categorized in this way:

  • God did it

  • We are an important part (God created us in love)

  • The world we live in is a fallen world because of Adam’s sin.

  • Christ will redeem His Creation (His most loving act - John 3:16)

Satan’s War with God


Why is so much of the world (and much of secular science) confused about creation? ….Satan’s War.

Let’s review the battle plan…

Prior to the creation of the world and our time here on earth, in the “preexistence,”  there was a war in heaven. As a result, Satan was cast out of heaven.

After the creation of Adam and Eve, and their introduction into the Garden of Eden, Satan deceived Eve. The fall was the result.

After entering the fallen world, humanity dealt with this fallen world, and Satan continued to wage war with God, ultimately influencing a new civilization, after the flood…Babylon.

Leading up to the final battle, and the apocalypse described by the prophets, including Daniel and the Apostle John, the “Great Whore of Babylon” rides the beast into the final battle.

Christ ultimately defeats the beast and destroys the whore. Zion is established.

We are in the final stages of mortality, and Armageddon approaches. The question is then, who is the “whore of Babylon”? This figure is so critical to the events of the last days that many people have pointed the finger at various organizations or individuals, thinking they may be the great enemy. Among the common candidates are Rome, the Catholic Church (often due to its association with Rome) and recently, Islam. Do these candidates adequately fit the criteria? Is there a better candidate?

This discussion becomes important as we approach the final days and look for the enemy to gain power and bring in the final events described in Scripture. We also must be wary of isolating potential allies due to misinformation or arrogance

What was Satan’s first deception?

After planting seeds of doubt in Eve’s mind with a question (Genesis 3:1), Satan directly contradicts God’s Word by telling her, “You will not certainly die” (Genesis 3:4).

To better understand Satan’s crime, we should review what Christ said about him. Christ said: “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him.” (John 8:44) Who did Satan murder? We know the forces of evil have been responsible for untold death and destruction, but this sounds more personal and specific. Who did Satan murder in the beginning? Adam and Eve specifically, and all humanity by extension.

The Apostle Paul Wrote: “I am afraid, however, that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds may be led astray from your simple and pure devotion to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 11:3). Satan seeks to lead us astray, that is the key strategy in his battle plan. Confusing us about Christ leads us astray. Failing to acknowledge Him as Creator denies His authority. Evolution and its offshoots deny Christ’s creative role and replace Him with another God.


Theories Arose About Man’s Origin

Who Created These Alternate Theories?

Several candidates are often presented as the author of this anti-Christ religion. Some of the more notable candidates:

Charles Darwin(1809-1882)

While Charles Darwin often gets top billing due to his Origin of Species, and the fact that we often refer to “Darwinian Evolution”, Charles was not the first Darwin to speak of evolution. Erasmus Darwin, Charles Darwin's grandfather, was the first Briton to write about evolution explicitly. His main prose on the topic appears in the first volume of his book, Zoonomia (1794).


Charles Lyell(1797-1875)

Lyell argued that the formation of Earth's crust took place through countless small changes occurring over vast periods of time, all according to known natural laws. His "uniformitarian" proposal was that the forces molding the planet today have operated continuously throughout its history.


James Hutton


James Hutton is best known for his contributions to the science of geology (uniformitarianism and the great age of the earth). However, Hutton was also the first person to propose a mechanism of natural selection to account for evolutionary change over time.


Alternate theories of Creation all result from a desire to replace Christ.

However, we must look far earlier for the origin of these concepts among the civilizations of the world. Darwin, Lyell and Hutton are late comers to the anti-Christ theory of evolution. The earliest written evidence comes from Babylon.

Babylon, the enuma elish

In Enuma Elish humans were created from the blood of Kingu, an evil figure, and hence their eternal enslavement to the gods is more than skin-deep. It is a condition that cannot be shed. It is their fate to serve the gods

The Enuma Elish (also known as The Seven Tablets of Creation) is the Mesopotamian creation myth whose title is derived from the opening lines of the piece, "When on High". The myth tells the story of the great god Marduk's victory over the forces of chaos and his establishment of order at the creation of the world.

All of the tablets containing the myth, found at Ashur, Kish, Ashurbanipal's library at Nineveh, Sultantepe, and other excavated sites, date to c. 1200 BCE but their colophons indicate that these are all copies of a much older version of the myth dating from long before the fall of Sumer in c. 1750 BCE. These myths likely existed during the time of Hammurabi (circa 1750 BC) and have their origins in earlier myths dating back to soon after the flood.


John Milton, paradise lost

If these concepts had remained the purview of pagan religions, they were more easily identified. However, numerous theological discussions have introduced this idea of creation outside of God’s influence. John Milton (1608-1674) is one such writer. His efforts to reframe the creation story, and to interpret it, had the effect of indoctrinating generations of Christians into the anti-Christ religion of evolution. Paradise Lost, first published in 1667, was written by John Milton. In Milton’s version of creation, matter is coterminous with God. All matter is created from the material which imbues God’s own presence. As Raphael (Adam’s tutor in Paradise Lost) says:

“one first matter all,

Indu'd with various forms, various degrees

Of substance, and in things that live, of life;”

Milton’s Raphael defines life as creatures that improve and progress towards higher being, “Till body up to spirit work, in bounds.”

In addition to his copy of Lyell’s Principles of Geology, Charles Darwin took all 12 volumes of Paradise Lost aboard the Beagle. He stated it was his favorite reading.

Perhaps the point at which Darwin came nearest to Satan’s attitude to God in Paradise Lost is reflected in the passage in his biography where he writes of God as a “revengeful tyrant.” The doctrine of everlasting punishment in hell, Darwin continued, was a “damnable doctrine” which would condemn his father, brother, and most of his friends.

He had no more time for the Bible, he claims, than he did for the “sacred books of the Hindoos” and even expressed the opinion that he could “hardly see how anyone ought to wish Christianity to be true.”

Millton’s Satan says that his goal is:

“to wage by force or guile eternal war…”

He explains later that this will be by “open war or covert guile…”

As an argument against God’s creative power, Satan says:

“We know no time when we were not as now; Know none before us, self-begat, self-raised by our own quick’ning power.” Satan’s arrogance, and his anti-God agenda does not allow him to accept God as his creator, but says that because they don’t remember their creation, they are therefore “self-begot, self raised.”


John Wesley, Milton for Methodists

It seems clear that John [Wesley] had little problem with Paradise Lost and in fact it may be argued that he influenced more people to read Paradise Lost through his varied efforts than any other person of his day.

 In a letter to Arthur Keen on April 20, 1787 he gave the following instructions on how to help a preacher's widow who lost her books in a fire:

“I desire Brother Rogers to send her by the first opportunity the Large Hymn-book, Notes on the New Testament, quarto, the Appeals, bound, the four volumes of Sermons, Life of Mr[.] Fletcher, of D[avid] Brainerd, and of Madame Guyon, [Young's] Night Thoughts, Milton. “

While Welsey made the anti-Christ theory of evolution theological. Darwin made these ideas seem scientific.

In a letter written to Asa Gray, a Harvard professor of biology, Charles Darwin said:

“I am quite conscious that my speculations run quite beyond the bounds of true science." Charles Darwin, quoted in N. C. Gillespie, Charles Darwin and the Problem of Creation (1979), p. 2 (University of Chicago book.).


Universities Are the New Temples to this Old Religion

They are the battleground of Satan’s war with God. They have brought the ideas of evolution into the mainstream. Its effects are now seen in every field of study: sociology, anthropology, psychology, finance, business, biology, physics, and every related field.

Even universities associated with and funded by religious institutions now have evolution as a core part of their curriculum. Even top-tier religiously founded schools such as Harvard University, Texas Christian University, Baylor University, and Brigham Young University  have embraced this anti-Christ religion and now associate themselves with museums that present these ideas to children, indoctrinating all who come within their influence. All in the name of greater acceptance and accreditation. The new temples in Babylon are in the Universities bearing the name of Christ.


There Are Two Great Cities in the Bible


To understand Babylon, we must also understand its righteous counterpart: Jerusalem.


City of Peace

Jerusalem is written in Hebrew uniquely: Yerushalayim (this is a plural form). Jerusalem encompasses two hills. It’s Hebrew name also refers to a secondary location: Zion, located within Jerusalem.

Jerusalem is the woman described in Revelation 12. The woman described as being “clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars” (verse 1)—represents Covenant Israel. In the Old Testament, God referred to His people as a woman whom He had dressed in honor and splendor (Ezekiel 16). The garland with 12 stars may be symbolic of the 12 tribes of Israel (Genesis 37:9-10). Throughout Revelation 12 we note that the “woman” is repeatedly protected by God (verses 6, 14-16), especially as the time approaches for the “kingdom of our God” to be established on earth (verse 10).

In the New Testament, God’s Church is symbolized as a woman; and its members are likened to virgins (Matthew 25:1-13; Revelation 14:4; Revelation 19:7). The New Testament Church is called “the Israel of God” (Galatians 6:16) and likened to “Jerusalem above,” which is called “the mother of us all” (Galatians 4:26, also see Hebrews 12:22-23). Members of this church are described as “a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His [God’s] own special people” (1 Peter 2:9). When Christ returns to earth, He is going to marry the Church, which is called “His wife” in Revelation 19:7.

This is a counterpoint to the imagery of a dishonorable woman—one called “the great harlot”—used in Revelation 17:1 to depict a false church that deceives many. 

When inaugurating the newly-built Holy Temple, the Bible states, “King Solomon gathered the Elders of the Jewish People and leaders of the tribes in Jerusalem in order to bring up the Ark from the City of David — which is Zion” (I Kings 8:1, II Chron. 5:2). The wording of this passage clearly demonstrates that Jerusalem and Zion are indeed two different places.

Zion had its own wall (see Rashi to II Sam. 8:7). However, later on, the outer walls of Jerusalem were expanded to include Zion as well. This may have happened in the late First Temple period, or in the beginning of the Second Temple period.

Mount Zion is the place where Yahweh, the God of Israel, dwells (Isaiah 8:18; Psalm 74:2), the place where he is king (Isaiah 24:23) and where he has installed his king, David (Psalm 2:6).

It is often associated with the Mount of Olives (home of the Garden of Gethsemane), east of the main City, across the kidron valley.

Where Jerusalem is the “City of Peace,” Zion is the Savior’s neighborhood within that City.


Babylon is the Greek form of the word “Babel.” The founder of Babylon was Nimrod. Some scholars posit that Nimrod actually came from a Semitic root, a language similar to ancient Hebrew. The root appears to be a word roughly Romanized to marad, meaning “to rebel.”

Because of this, Nimrod is often thought to have been a rebel against the Lord. The phrasing in the Bible that says he was a mighty hunter “before the Lord” (e.g. Genesis 10:9) might more literally be translated “to the face of the Lord”—in other words, in opposition to God. This translation backs up Nimrod’s name as The Rebel.

Nimrod, according to Genesis 20:8, was a “mighty warrior.” The Hebrew word here, gibbor, could potentially also mean “tyrant,” though it is used many other times in the Bible simply to refer to strong warriors or champions, so the potential conclusion that he was tyrannical is tenuous.

Nimrod the Hunter was a leader amongst men and a builder of cities, including Babel and Nineveh. He was a great-grandson of Noah but did not live up to the virtues and standards that God had found in Noah. Genesis 11, which follows directly after the genealogical lists of Genesis 10, records the attempted construction of the Tower of Babel, a structure built in opposition to God. In Genesis 11:4, the people say, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heaven.” This is accepted in many Jewish writings. The ancient historian Josephus states of Nimrod, “He also said he would be revenged on God, if he should have a mind to drown the world again; for that he would build a tower too high for the waters to be able to reach and that he would avenge himself on God for destroying their forefathers” (Antiquities of the Jews, Book 1, Chapter 4).

The Book of Jasher indicates Ham stole the garment Noah had worn prior to his being found naked and intoxicated in his tent.  The Book of Jasher also claims this was the original garment God made for Adam shortly before he was banished from the Garden of Eden.  Other extra-Biblical sources make this claim too.  Jewish rabbi, Eleazer, and other reputable rabbis believed the Hebrew word for nakedness in Genesis 9:22 more accurately refers to loss of skin covering.  They also agree Ham took the garment God had made for Adam, in order to steal the spiritual inheritance from his father.  When Noah woke up he cursed Ham’s youngest son, Canaan, who also allegedly participated in the theft.  Ham later gave this garment to his oldest son, Cush, who ultimately passed it on to his oldest son, Nimrod.  The Jewish Talmud indicates Nimrod’s hunting success resulted from wearing the coat of animal skin God made for Adam.

Revelation 17:3 gives this description regarding Babylon and the woman: “Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a desert. There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns.” The beast mentioned in this verse is the same beast as in Revelation chapter 13:1, “And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name.” The beast in Revelation chapter 13 is understood to refer to the Antichrist, the man of lawlessness (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4; Daniel 9:27). So, the whore of Babylon, whoever it is, is closely affiliated with the end-times Antichrist.

The Whore of Babylon

“Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a desert. There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns.” (Revelation 17:3)

Revelation 17:1-2 says, “Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked with me, saying to me, ‘Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication.’”

Revelation 17:5 goes on to say, “And on her forehead a name was written: MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.”

The beast mentioned in this verse is the same beast as in Revelation chapter 13:1, “And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name.” The association with the Anti-Christ is clear.

Daniel’s Statue

Revelation 17:15 tells us, “Then the angel said to me, ‘The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages.’”

The whore of Babylon will have great worldwide influence over people and nations.

The whore of Babylon also has religious connotations – spiritual adultery with the beast being the focus of an ungodly, end-times religious system.

Revelation 17:9-11 makes perfect sense in view of Daniel's vision in 2:36-49. Daniel's interpretation (as revealed by God in Heaven) clearly evidences that we are today living in the End Times. Daniel’s vision in 2:36-49 clarifies John’s vision.

Nebuchadnezzar was the head of gold (Babylon). Medo-Persia was the breast of silver. Greece was the thighs of brass. The Roman empire was the legs of Iron. Rome fell to ruin in 486 A.D.; today there are no world-powers, only super-powers. The Bible says in Revelation 17:11 that the 8th king (that is, the Antichrist) is of the 7th.

Revelation 17:15 tells us, “Then the angel said to me, ‘The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages.’” This brings us to the Tower of Babylon, where nations and tribes originated, and again an association with Nimrod, and Babylon. The whore of Babylon will have great worldwide influence over people and nations. Verses 10-14 describe a series of eight and then ten kings who affiliate with the beast. The whore of Babylon will at one time have control over these kings (Revelation 17:18), but at some point, the kings will turn on her and destroy her (Revelation 17:16).

How did these nations view Creation?

If these nations, described by Daniel and by John are related to the anti-Christ, and in fact embody the whore, what were their views on Creation. As is this the evidence we can look to that will enable us to identify who the whore is today?

If the anti-Christ religion of evolution is in fact the whore of Babylon, we should see evidence, beginning with the namesake, Babylon, but reflected in each succeeding nation and people as described in Scripture.



Ancient Babylon

In Babylonian creation myths it is said that after the waters of Apsu and Tiamat mix, the gods Lahmu and Lahamu ("slime, mud") emerge. And from this pair come Anshar ("whole sky") and Kishar ("whole earth").

 Anshar and Kishar give birth to Anu, the sky god, who in turn begets Ea, the trickster god of the flowing waters, who is familiar to us as Enki.

In Enuma Elish humans are created from the blood of Kingu, an evil figure, and hence their eternal enslavement to the gods is more than skin-deep. It is a condition that cannot be shed. It is their fate to serve the gods.

Apsu, the male "begetter," is the sweet waters, while Tiamat, the female "maker," is the bitter, salt waters. Sweet and salt water mingle together at the mouths of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, site of the origins of Mesopotamian civilization.

Another god, named Mummu, now emerges. Mummu means "maker," "form," "mold," or "matrix." Besides being Apsu's vizier, Mummu is the mold or the undifferentiated substance from which things are made.

N. K. Sandars sees mummu as potential, or entropy. In this early period, nothing is named yet because nothing has appeared or been created yet. Notice that pasture-land must be formed--wrested from the desert by the hard work of digging and irrigation. The reed-beds mentioned in line 6 are handier than one might think: in southern Iraq today, the marsh dwellers live and work in floating houses and boats made from the reeds in the reed-beds. The "destinies" mentioned in line 8 are somewhat like the Sumerian me--cultural patterns and ways of living.

After the waters of Apsu and Tiamat mix, the gods Lahmu and Lahamu ("slime, mud") emerge. And from this pair come Anshar ("whole sky") and Kishar ("whole earth"), meaning perhaps "the horizon, the circular rim of heaven and the corresponding circular rim of earth". Anshar and Kishar give birth to Anu, the sky god, who in turn begets what one translation calls "his likeness", Ea, the trickster god of the flowing waters, who is familiar to us as Enki.

Notice the similarity to evolutionary teaching. Simply associated the name of a god with the elements turns this from a scientific theory to an anti-Christ creation myth. The basis is the same.



In Medo-Persia, creation stories become even more anti-Christ and bloody. Their creation myth states that upon the earth,  Ahura Mazda spread all different kinds of vegetation and imbued it with its own life and then created Gavaevodta, the Primordial Bull who would give life to all other animals which would feed on, and fertilize, the vegetation.

After Ahura Mazda created the world and Gavaevodta and set all in motion, the Primordial Bull was killed by Angra Mainyu for no reason other than that he could. Gavaevodta's corpse is taken to the moon and purified, and from the bull's purified seed, all animals come into being.

Their ideas would develop in time as the Vedic lore and Hinduism of India and the Early Iranian Religionand Zoroastrianism of Persia, all of which share key concepts and types of supernatural beings.


Ancient Greece

Anaximander believed that life began in the sea, and that by some type of adaptation to the environment, animals evolved into what they are today.

Empedocles believed that through the interplay of forces on elements, the earth gave rise to its inhabitants. The first living beings were some type of disembodied organs, which through the ongoing process of attraction and repulsion, evolved into the creatures we observe today.

Lucretius followed his predecessors by claiming that the earth gave birth to its creatures through a combination of elements. For Lucretius, the force that is responsible for life’s creations is chance.

Anaximander laid out a theory of evolution more than 2,000 years ago. As we will come to see, this theory sounds eerily similar to the modern concept of evolution. Anaximander was the second philosopher of the Milesian school, coming after Thales and before Anaximenes. Anaximander’ teacher, Thales, predicted an eclipse which modern astronomers say took place on May 28th, 585 B.C.E. We can use this historical event as a marker, thereby placing both Thales and Anaximander in this time period.

Anaximander was a philosopher, scientist, and involved himself in politics. He is credited with creating a map of the Black Sea. Like Thales, Anaximander searched for the fundamental substance of the world. He came to the conclusion that the fundamental substance could not be any one type of matter, and so the primary substance was indeterminate. Anaximander held that the earth was not a disc but rather a short cylinder and that the world was formed by a vortex movement of elements.

The most interesting of his theories, however, is his early theory of evolution. Anaximander believed that life began in the sea, and that by some type of adaptation to the environment, animals evolved into what they are today. He believed that the human species must have been born out of other animals, because we are far too vulnerable and reliant during infancy, and we could not have survived otherwise.

Coming onto the scene about a century after Anaximander, living from 495 B.C.E. to 435 B.C.E., Empedocles also had a theory of evolution. It is a very strange theory that we will get to in a moment… Empedocles believed that the universe was composed of four fundamental elements; earth, air, fire, and water. These elements were influenced by two forces that we might refer to as attraction and repulsion, which caused an interplay of elements that formed the universe.

Now it gets weird… Empedocles believed that through this interplay of forces on elements, the earth gave rise to its inhabitants. For Empedocles, the first living beings were some type of disembodied organs. They were monstrous creatures, which through the ongoing process of attraction and repulsion, evolved into the creatures we observe today.

While this is a strange theory of evolution, positing monsters and all, it actually isn’t that weird when we look past the details. Overall, Empedocles developed a theory of evolution that consisted of natural elements being acted upon by natural forces to create the world that we know today. Underneath all the monsters and disembodied organs it sounds a lot like our modern scientific theory of evolution by natural selection.

Lucretius, living from 99-55 B.C.E., also argued in favor of a theory of evolution. Lucretius laid out his evolutionary theory in his poem titled On the Nature of Things. He followed his predecessors by claiming that the earth gave birth to its creatures through a combination of elements. For Lucretius, the force that is responsible for life’s creations is chance.

In keeping with the strangeness of Empedocles, Lucretius claimed that a type of natural selection caused monster-like creatures to die-off, and that the creatures which survived did so due to their capacity for strength, speed, or intelligence. Lucretius parted with Anaximander by claiming that a land animal could not evolve from a creature of the sea, and he was skeptical that one species could evolve out of another.

In sum, these three natural philosophers of the ancient world believed that through a combination of natural elements, acted upon by natural forces, both the universe and the living beings within that universe were created. They chose natural explanations as opposed to supernatural or superstitious claims for the creation of the cosmos and its inhabitants.


Ancient Rome

The Romans adopted the Greek gods and myths.


Ancient Egypt

In the Book of Revelation the end-time countdown begins with Ancient Egypt. So what was their creation story, and did it reflect anti-Christ evolution?

At a time the Egyptians called Zep Tepi (the First Time), Atum created two offspring. His son, Shu, represented dry air, and his daughter, Tefnut, represented corrosive moist air.

The twins separated the sky from the waters. They produced children named Geb, the dry land, and Nut, the sky. When the primeval waters receded, a mound of earth (Geb) appeared, providing the first solid dry land for the sun god, Re, to rest. Atum was also known as Re, meaning the sun at its first rising.

Geb and Nut produced four offspring: Seth, the god of disorder; Osiris, the god of order; and their sisters, Nephthys and Isis. This new generation completed the Heliopolitan Ennead, the group of nine deities that began with Atum, the primeval creator god.

The sun god, Re (a form of Atum), ruled over the earth, where humans and divine beings coexisted. Humans were created from the Eye of Re or wedjat (eye of wholeness). This happened when the eye separated from Re and failed to return. Shu and Tefnut went to fetch it, but the eye resisted. In the ensuing struggle, the eye shed tears from which humans were born.


Characteristics of the “Whore of Babylon”
  • Origins in historic Babylon

  • Influences the kingdoms who come after (as depicted by John and Daniel)

  • Encourages and justifies immorality

  • Influences the decisions of kingdoms and nations

  • Persecutes believers in Christ

  • Is supported by anti-Christian governments and institutions


The Whore of Babylon is the religion of evolution that has infiltrated every civilization on Earth. It encompasses each of the characteristics outlined above.

Why Does This Matter


As we travel the country doing the work, we have many opportunities to meet people we have seen on television. Some have series, and some are accessible through their Youtube discussion. When I finally meet one to them, I feel like I know them. But I don’t. And they don’t know me. I have just observed them. We have no shared history.

It is important for each of us to know that on the day we approach the Savior, he will know us, and we will know Him.

Matthew 7:21-23

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

Matthew 25:1-13

Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.  And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.

And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.

And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.


Knowing Christ means knowing what He has done for us, and who He is. Integral to this understanding is His role as Creator. And avoiding any religious teaching that replaces Him with anything. Anti-Christ religion in the name of Science is no exception. Masquerading as science is no excuse for anti-Christ theories.


The Best Reason of All

What is the end for the whore?

The best reason of all for us to be aware of the true identity of the whore is described in John’s writing. In Revelation 18 he reveals the final events that await the Whore of Babylon:

“Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.”  (v.8)


She will be utterly burned with fire. But a few verses preceeding this verse, is a passage that causes great anxiety for me, and is the primary motivation for this whole presentation:

“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.” (v.4-5)

Prior to destroying her, Christ calls his people out of her. There will be those who have been deceived with Christ’s own people. They have been deceived into thinking they are worshipping Christ, but have been surrounded by the anti-Christ teachings of Babylon. They may not even know it. They may feel like they are being modern, or current, or accepted, but in reality they have been surrounded by Babylon. And perhaps they will hear Christ’s voice in the final battle and “come out of her,” but for some it may be too late. And for the youth they are influencing, they may not even recognize the voice of Christ, and will be consumed with Babylon.


We Are Engaged in a Great Battle

Our families are the Prize

It is time to recognize that evolution is not simply an “alternate theory of origins.” It is the anti-Christ religion of Babylon. It occupies a place in virtually every school, university, government and organization. It is behind all the anti-Christ rhetoric that motivates society. Because we recognize Babylon, she is no mystery to us any more. We have an obligation to speak for Christ. Satan continues to fight the same battle he began in heaven. He continued it with Eve, he is a murder from the beginning, and just as he did with Eve, his first weapon is to deny God. Satan’s war with God will not be over until Christ has finally defeated Satan, and destroyed Babylon.

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'So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.'

Isaiah 41:10

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